
Press Release May 2024

Green Party announce Robert Watson as candidate for Louth and Horncastle constituency at the General Election

The Green Party today announced their candidate for the Louth and Horncastle constituency at the coming General Election. They have selected Robert Watson.

Robert said “When the election was announced it was as if an audible collective groan went up across the nation.  Such is the disillusionment with politics in this country.

The Tories have been in charge for 14 years now and have achieved nothing except Brexit whilst keeping us on a diet of austerity and hardship.  On the other hand, Labour win the prize for the poorest opposition party in living memory and their policies are largely the same as the Tories.

Meanwhile newspapers and TV churn out endless junk about sport, celebrity, and gossip while fuelling nasty cultural aggression and covering up the real world of war, famine, poverty and dishonesty in politics and public life.

I am standing in this election to offer people something quite different.  A political party which puts people and the planet first while trying to bring back kindness and compassion into our society.

Our constituency is threatened by many issues: pylons across it, a nuclear waste dump at Theddlethorpe, oil drilling at Biscathorpe, solar panels on farmland. Lifelong Tory voters in my village are looking at their living costs and our failing public services and are asking – how long can I continue voting for this?

If you agree with me that the time has come for a genuinely different approach that will get Britain back on its feet after the turmoil of recent years, please vote for me on Thursday 4th July. If you would like me to visit your club or organisation, then I will do my best to do so – please contact me at or on 07725 885569.”

Restore Nature Now march Saturday 22nd June 2024

Please join us and many others including the RSPB, National Trust, The Wildlife Trusts etc in London on the 22nd June. Find out more and pledge to march here.

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